Styling a space refers to visually designing and decorating that space in a pleasing and unique way. When you are styling a rental space, you should consider what the space will be used for and how you want the user to feel in that space. 

Tips for Styling your Rental Space

Interior designers, stylists, or a home staging service can be expensive. And hiring a designer may not be in the budget for your rental, especially when you are first starting out. But styling doesn’t have to be extravagant or costly. You can create an inexpensively styled rental space on your own with these 5 easy, minimalist styling tips. These tips will help you get the style you are looking for in your rental space without breaking the bank.


When renting your space, the first thing you should do is thoroughly clean and inspect your intended rental. Clean every inch of the space, top to bottom. Wipe down walls, baseboards, lighting, and windows. As a property owner, you will also want to be sure you are in compliance with state and local health and building codes. For instance, all rental spaces must have working toilets, windows, and furnace. All outside doors must have locks. Also while you are inspecting your rental, be sure to repair or replace broken fixtures and address any potential safety hazards.

woman cleaning a glass window
Photo by Gantas Vaičiulėnas on


After cleaning your rental space, it’s time to declutter. Decluttering is getting rid of any unnecessary items or furniture that make the space feel smaller. When decluttering, remove and replace any old or broken furniture and accessories from the space. Go through drawers and get rid of piles of papers, mail, or magazines. You want your space to feel relaxing, open, and airy. Taking away any unnecessary items can help you achieve this as well as make your space look bigger.


Be sure to include a variety of good lighting options in your rental space. You should have several different ways of lighting the space for its potential uses. Include an overhead lighting source and task lighting with lamps throughout the space. Use soft, light-colored lampshades and curtains to enhance the natural lighting in the space. You can also use mirrors, under cabinet lighting, or string festive lights to maximize lighting in low-light areas.

round brown wooden table with chairs inside room
Photo by Vecislavas Popa on


When choosing furniture and accessories for your rental space, be sure to select comfortable and versatile pieces that fit the scale of your space. Purchasing too much furniture, having oversized furniture, or having too many accessories will make your space feel cluttered and small.

Create cozy and relaxing spaces by choosing light and bright accessories. Add color, personality, and texture by accessorizing your space with plants, mirrors, frames, pillows, throws, or rugs to further enhance your space. Using various colors and textures will help bring your space to life!

architecture chair contemporary decor
Photo by Pixabay on

Add Unique Features & Amenities

The last thing you want to do when styling your rental space is to add some unique features or amenities to set your space apart from other rentals. This is a great way to add your own personal touch to the rental space and make your space more enticing. You can do this with a large mural, vintage furniture, or a unique art piece.

Don’t forget to list any unique features in your space listing that other rentals may not have. If your rental includes a kitchenette or dressing and makeup area, make sure to let renters know about these unique features!

Also keep in mind that if your rental is in the vicinity of a cool, local hangout spot, Share it! Let potential renters know what parks, food, entertainment, and transportation options are in the area of your rental.

brown leaf tree near brown wall painting
Photo by Pixabay on

When listing a studio or small venue space, you may also want to include an itemized list of add-on services or amenities your space also offers like furniture/equipment rentals or additional rental hour specials.

Decorating and styling your rental space does not have to be stressful or expensive. You can easily accomplish this by following my 5 minimalist styling tips. With these helpful decor tips for styling your rental, you will be on your way to creating a unique and comfortable space with maximum appeal for renters in no time!

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